Old Railroad Police Badges
Cash paid for old badges!
I am always on the lookout for old railroad police badges, artifacts, and photos. The items listed below are the ones I am looking for in particular. If you happen to have or know where I can find any of these items, please contact me. Immediate cash or trade material available. Finder’s fee paid for badges I'm looking for!
Any 10K, 14K, and 18K solid gold Railroad Police Presentation Badges Top Prices Paid
Any Sterling silver and engraved Railroad Police Badges by Irvine & Jachiens and Ed Jones Co. Top Prices Paid
Pre-1860 Civil War-era Railroad Police Badges
Any Great Northern Railway "Hill" badges
Early Union Pacific Railroad Police badges
Early Central Pacific Railroad Police badges
Early Southern Pacific Railroad Police badges
Early Railroad Police Badges from the Civil War U.S. Military Railroad
Railroad Police Badges from the USRRA United States Railroad Police of WWI
Any Railroad Police Badges from the N.Y.C.& H.R.R.R. Company
Any Railroad Police Badges from the West Shore Railroad Company
New York, Ontario & Western Railway Police "Lieutenant" Badge
New York Central Lines (large clamshell) in Captain, Inspector, Chief ,and Superintendent ranks
New York Central Lines (small clamshell) in Chief and Superintendent ranks
New York Central System (large clamshell) Inspector rank
Pennsylvania RR Police (pie pan) badges; Inspector, Chief, and Superintendent ranks
PRSL (pie pan) badges; Sergeant, Captain, and Superintendent ranks
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Police "Capital Dome" rank badges.
D&RGW Railroad "Shop Watchman" rank logo badge
Cumberland Valley Railroad Police rank badges
Any Chicago area Railroad Police "pie plate" stars
Northern Pacific Railway Police "Monad" logo badges
Reading Railway "Crusader" Captain & Supt. rank badges
Any old "Short Line" Railroad Police Badges
Any Stock Yard police badges
Any State or Federal Railroad Inspector Badges
Railroad Police Marked Guns (revolvers & long guns)
Old Railroad Police & Special Agent "Office Signs"
Old Railroad Police Cabinet Card and Department Photos
Old Railroad Police ID Cards and Commissions
Old Railroad Police Uniforms 1880's to 1960's
Old 1940's to 1970's Railroad Police Patches
Old Pre 1980 Railroad Police "Bullion" Wire Patches
Old Issues of "Railroad Police & Special Agent" Magazine
Old membership cards and convention badges from the "Railroad Police & Special Agent Association"
Old Railroad Police Business Cards Pre 1970
Artifacts and Badges from the Baldwin - Felts Detectives
Early Coal & Iron Company Police badges
Early Steamboat Police badges
Early NY City Police badges
Early Major City Police badges
Early US Federal badges
I will pay $25,000.00 cash for the above New York Central & Hudson River Railroad (NYC&HRRR) Chief badge! I will also pay a “finders fee” of $1,000.00 to anyone who locates this badge.